An illustration of five women sitting in a circle in the shade of two trees and referring to books, representing an outdoor participatory learning environment. It is not obvious whom, if anyone, is facilitating the group session.

Humanitarian Standards Partnership

Home / Training


If you wish to study humanitarian standards, or attend, facilitate or organise a course or workshop involving humanitarian standards content, this page is for you.

All Humanitarian Standards Partnership (HSP) partners share a common goal of providing high quality training to as many people as possible. Services vary between HSP partners due to different approaches to achieving this goal, including how training events are organised and by whom, availability of training materials, certification of trainers, etc.

Online courses

Visit the Online courses page on the Sphere website to browse self-paced e-learning courses – and other self-study materials – provided by HSP organisations and other partners.

Training resources

Most HSP partners offer humanitarian standards training materials for download. These materials are designed for facilitators, but many are also useful for private study. Before using these materials for anything other than private study, please read the copyright information and observe any other relevant terms of use. If you are unsure, contact the corresponding HSP partner.

  • Sphere logo (with text)


Browse and download a wide range of Sphere training resources for learning more about Sphere and for training others.

  • Humanitarian Inclusion Standards (HIS) logo

HelpAge International and CBM Global

Download the Inclusion of age and disability in humanitarian action training package which supports a two day workshop or course from the CBM website.

  • The Alliance logo

The Alliance

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action has developed several online and face-to-face child protection trainings to build capacity for both new and experienced Child Protection practitioners.

  • CALP Network logo

CALP Network

The CALP Network offers a range of tools and services to develop individual and organizational capacity in cash and voucher assistance (CVA). You can download CALP Network training materials from the Cash Learning Hub on Kaya. (A free Kaya account is required.)

  • Minimum Economic Recovery Standards (MERS) logo

Minimum Economic Recovery Standards (MERS)

MERS training materials include a fact sheet, three case studies and PowerPoint workshop/course guides including detailed presenter notes.

Other HSP partners restrict access to their training materials to trainees and/or listed trainers (see below).


If you wish to organise a training course or workshop about humanitarian standards for your colleagues or partners, please select your trainers from the following HSP partner trainer rosters

  • Sphere logo (with text)


The network of Sphere practitioners includes a community of listed Sphere trainers who have completed a Sphere Training of Trainers (ToT) programme and have experience in conducting training and learning activities based on Sphere and the Sphere Handbook.

If you wish to organise a Sphere ToT programme, please contact Sphere.

  • CALP Network logo

CALP Network

The CALP Network works with individual trainers and training partner organisations to support the training needs of the cash and voucher assistance (CVA) community.

If you would like to organise a CALP course for your staff or partners, select certified CALP trainers based on their location, language skills and which courses they are qualified to facilitate.

  • Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Cluster logo

Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Cluster

The CCCM Cluster has an inter-agency roster of CCCM trainers that can be deployed to
conduct learning needs assessments and deliver training in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.

  • CHS Alliance logo

CHS Alliance

Approved CHS Alliance trainers must have completed a CHS Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop and co-facilitated a CHS workshop with the CHS Alliance learning and development team.

The CHS Alliance organises regular ToT workshops which are advertised on the CHSA events calendar.

  • Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) logo

Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS)

Accredited LEGS Trainers have completed a LEGS Training of Trainers (ToT) programme and have the skills and experience to deliver the LEGS Core Training course.

If you would like to commission a ToT programme for your organisation, visit the LEGS Training Programme page.

Training events

Several HSP partners maintain event calendars which include training events.

  • Sphere logo (with text)


The Sphere Calendar is an open crowdsourced events calendar designed for Sphere focal points, trainers, members and other partners. Upcoming and past events are displayed.

Submit events using the Add a Sphere Event form (login required).

  • CALP Network logo

CALP Network

The CALP Network hosts regular events to advance debates around Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA).

CALP Network members can submit CVA-related events which are usually approved within 48 hours.

  • CHS Alliance logo

CHS Alliance

The CHS Alliance organises online and in-person CHSA training workshops and meetings.

  • International Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) logo

Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

The INEE maintains a dynamic listing of INEE events and opportunities relevant to education in emergencies.

Submit events using the Add an INEE Event form (login required).